All measurements are created using the ANSI measurement standard. Finished square footage, as defined within the ANSI standard, is reported as GLA or Gross Living Area, per Fannie Mae mortgage lending appraisal form guidelines. In those circumstances when ANSI does not provide a rule, terminology or guideline for a specific measurement or term, the appraiser adheres to the HMS (Home Measurement Standard). The HMS does offer a rule for the measurement in question and allows the appraiser to provide the client all measurements/terms that may be recreated using a formal standard of measurement, that may be verified by others adhering to the same standard. The use of a formal measurement standard for all possible measurements allows consumers and clients the best consistency and credibility in residential measurements. All measurements and calculations available upon request.

The ANSI Standard is available @

The Home Measurement Standard is available @

The above comments are for illustration only and not meant as legal advice. Please check with a professional in your area.