Residential square footage based on the ANSI® guideline
Designed specifically for the professional Realtor®, this course teaches the “art” of measuring a single-family dwelling, and why it matters. The most in-depth course on residential square footage ever created; whether newly licensed or seasoned veteran, you will learn something new.100% money back guarantee on all courses provided by the Institute of Housing Technologies. Step by step measurements from A-Z and everywhere in between. There’s no other course that even comes close. The most comprehensive class on measuring homes offered anywhere. In every residential transaction, Size Matters!

Here’s your chance to learn all about measuring homes based on the ANSI® Guideline
Written by a Realtor/Appraiser, this class contains information every agent that prices real estate should know. Details that will make you better at your job.
ANSI®, Home Measurement, and the Power of Price-Per-Square-Foot. Measuring Residential Square Footage (Appraisers or Realtor’s Edition). Both courses are based on the ANSI® measurement standard and are the most comprehensive classes ever created on measuring residential square footage. Over 390 slides with additional examples and exercises. Created for those who truly want to learn the “art” of measuring single-family homes. This course includes a voluntary practice exam with over 300 questions. Each class was created for real estate professionals who provide square footage information for others. Reduce liability and increase your accuracy. The first of its kind, the most complete course on creating, calculating, and communicating residential square footage ever assembled. Professional education you can learn today and use tomorrow. 100% money-back guarantee. New licensee or seasoned veteran, you will learn something new. Courses through